ActiveNano™ Cu 10000 (Copper Nano Particles Liquid 10000ppm)

ActiveNano™ Cu 10000 (Copper Nano Particles Liquid 10000ppm) concentration is a powerful agricultural tool with potent antifungal and antibacterial properties. When used in agriculture, it helps control various plant diseases caused by fungi and bacteria, such as mildew and blight. These are known for their broad-spectrum activity, making them effective against a wide range of pathogens. Their small size enables better penetration into plant tissues, enhancing their efficacy. This liquid formulation is easy to apply as a foliar spray or soil treatment, providing convenient and effective disease control. These are environmentally friendly and degrade into non-toxic components, minimizing environmental impact. With regular use, they can help improve crop yield and quality, supporting sustainable agriculture practices.

Technical Specifications
ActiveNanoTM Cu 10000 (Copper Nano Particles Liquid 10000ppm)
Copper Nano Particles 10000ppm
CAS Number
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
63.55 g/mol
Insoluble in Water and typically dispersed in a suitable solvent (e.g., Water or Ethanol).
Shelf Life
24 months from the date of manufacturing.
Boiling Point
2562 °C
Melting Point
1084.62 °C
Store in a cool, dry place. Keep the container tightly closed. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and moisture.
Key Benefits
ActiveNanoTM Cu 10000 (Copper Nano Particles Liquid 10000ppm)
Enhanced Pathogen Resistance
Copper nanoparticles boost plant immunity against bacterial and fungal infections, reducing dependency on chemical treatments.
Higher Crop Yields
The antimicrobial effects of copper nanoparticles ensure healthier plants, leading to increased agricultural productivity.
Improved Soil Quality
Enhances soil health by managing harmful microbes and promoting beneficial ones.
Environmentally Friendly
Provides a sustainable alternative to conventional chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
Reduced Reliance on Chemicals
Using copper nanoparticles reduces the need for harmful chemical inputs, leading to safer farming practices.
Longer Shelf Life
Produce treated with copper nanoparticles enjoys an extended shelf life, minimizing post-harvest losses.
Better Nutrient Uptake
Improves plants' ability to absorb nutrients, enhancing growth and development.
Pest Resistance
Helps deter pests, protecting crops from damage.
Enhanced Soil Moisture Retention
Improves soil's water retention ability, aiding in better plant hydration.
Increased Seed Germination
Seeds treated with copper nanoparticles exhibit higher germination rates and stronger seedlings.
Growth Stimulation
Promotes plant growth hormones, resulting in robust and vigorous plants.
Safe for Humans and Animals
Non-toxic to humans and animals when used properly in agriculture.
Compatibility with Soil Organisms
These are biocompatible, ensuring they do not harm beneficial soil organisms.
Slow Release of Nutrients
Can be formulated for the controlled release of nutrients and active ingredients.
Flexible Application Methods
Can be incorporated into various agricultural formulations, such as sprays, coatings, and soil amendments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are ActiveNano™ Cu 10000 (Copper Nano Particles Liquid 10000ppm) used for in agriculture?

These are used as an antimicrobial agent to control bacterial, fungal, and algal infections in crops, promoting healthier plant growth.