ActiveNano™ Silcopp™ 10000 (실버나노입자 5000ppm + 구리나노입자 5000ppm 액상)

ActiveNano™ Silcopp™10000(실버 나노 입자 5000ppm + 구리 나노 입자 5000ppm 액상)을 액상 제형으로 결합하면 농업 응용 분야에 강력한 솔루션을 제공합니다. 이 조합은 박테리아, 진균 및 바이러스를 포함한 광범위한 식물 병원균에 대한 효과적인 제어를 제공하여 작물을 질병으로부터 보호하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 은 나노 입자는 강력한 항균 특성을 나타내는 반면 구리 나노 입자는 우수한 항진균 활성을 제공하여 포괄적인 방어 메커니즘을 제공합니다. 이 액상 제형은 잎 분무 또는 토양 처리로 적용하여 최적의 식물 보호를 보장합니다. 은 및 구리 나노 입자는 환경 친화적이며 유해한 잔류물을 남기지 않아 지속 가능한 농업 관행에 적합합니다. 이 조합은 시너지 효과로 장기적인 보호를 제공하여 식물을 더 건강하게 만들고 작물 수확량을 개선합니다.

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Technical Specifications
ActiveNanoTM SilcoppTM 10000 (Silver Nano Particles 5000ppm + Copper Nano Particles 5000ppm Liquid)
Silver Nano Particles 5000ppm + Copper Nano Particles 5000ppm Liquid
CAS Number
Silver: 7440-22-4,Copper:7440-50-8
Molecular Formula
Ag (Silver), Cu (Copper)
Molecular Weight
Silver (Ag) - 107.87 g/mol, Copper (Cu) - 63.55 g/mol
Insoluble in Water. Dispersed in a suitable Solvent (e.g., water or ethanol).
Shelf Life
24 months from the date of manufacturing.
Boiling Point
Silver: 2162°C, Copper: 2562°C
Melting Point
Silver: 961.78°C, Copper: 1084.62°C
Store in a cool, dry place. Keep the container tightly closed. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and moisture.
Key Benefits
ActiveNanoTM SilcoppTM 10000 (Silver Nano Particles 5000ppm + Copper Nano Particles 5000ppm Liquid)
Synergistic Disease Resistance
The combination of silver and copper nanoparticles provides robust protection against bacterial and fungal infections.
Enhanced Crop Performance
The dual antimicrobial properties promote overall plant health, leading to higher yields.
Improved Soil Microbiome
This nanoparticle blend supports a balanced soil microbiome by managing harmful pathogens and fostering beneficial microbes.
Eco-Friendly Solution
Silver and copper nanoparticles offer an environmentally sustainable alternative to chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
Reduced Chemical Dependence
Using this nanoparticle blend reduces the need for traditional chemical inputs, promoting safer agricultural practices.
Longer Shelf Life
Crops treated with this nanoparticle combination enjoy extended shelf life, minimizing post-harvest spoilage.
Superior Nutrient Uptake
The nanoparticles enhance plants' ability to absorb nutrients more efficiently, supporting better growth.
Effective Pest Deterrence
The blend of silver and copper nanoparticles acts as a deterrent to pests, reducing crop damage.
Enhanced Water Retention
This nanoparticle combination improves soil's water-holding capacity, aiding in optimal plant hydration.
Increased Seed Germination Rates
Seeds treated with the blend show improved germination rates and healthier early growth.
Stimulated Plant Growth
The nanoparticles promote the production of growth hormones, leading to more vigorous plant development.
Non-Toxic to Humans and Wildlife
The nanoparticle blend is safe for humans and animals when used correctly in agricultural applications.
Soil and Plant Compatibility
This nanoparticle combination is biocompatible, ensuring it does not harm beneficial soil organisms or plants.
Controlled Nutrient Release
The blend can be used for the controlled release of nutrients and other active ingredients in agricultural formulations.
Versatile Application Methods
The nanoparticle combination can be easily incorporated into various agricultural products, such as sprays, coatings, and soil conditioners.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How are ActiveNano™ Silcopp™10000 (Silver Nano Particles 5000ppm + Copper Nano Particles 5000ppm Liquid) beneficial in agriculture?

This combination serves as an effective antimicrobial agent, protecting crops from various bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, thus enhancing plant health and productivity.