콜드프레스 퓨어 호호바 오일

콜드프레스 퓨어 호호바 오일은 호호바 식물의 씨앗에서 추출한 천연의 영양이 풍부한 오일입니다. 보습 및 피부 진정 효과로 개인 관리에 귀중하게 여겨집니다. 호호바 오일은 피부에서 생성되는 천연 오일과 매우 유사하여 기름진 잔여물을 남기지 않고 쉽게 흡수되는 우수한 보습제입니다. 비타민 E와 B, 구리 및 아연과 같은 필수 미네랄이 풍부하여 피부를 환경적 손상으로부터 보호하고 영양을 공급합니다. 호호바 오일은 피지 생성을 조절하는 능력으로도 알려져 있어 지성 및 여드름이 생기기 쉬운 피부를 포함한 모든 피부 유형에 적합합니다. 부드러운 특성은 모발 관리로 확장되어 두피를 보습하고 컨디셔닝하여 건강한 모발 성장을 촉진하고 머리카락에 윤기를 더하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

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Technical Specifications
Cold Pressed Pure Jojoba Oil
Cold Pressed Pure Jojoba OilBhangra
CAS Number
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
400-600 g/mol
Insoluble in water.
Shelf Life
24-months from the date of manufacturing.
Boiling Point
Melting Point
Certified Vegan
Store in a cool, dark place to maintain its quality and extend its shelf life. It should be kept in tightly sealed containers to protect it from oxidation and contamination.
Key Benefits
Cold Pressed Pure Jojoba Oil
Superior Moisturization
Mimics human sebum, providing excellent moisturization without clogging pores, ideal for skin hydration formulas.
High Stability
Its wax ester structure ensures high oxidative stability, extending product shelf life without additional preservatives.
Hypoallergenic and Non-Comedogenic
Gentle on all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin, making it a suitable option for oily or combination skin formulations.
Rich in Nutrients
Contains essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and antioxidants, enhancing skin repair and regeneration, ideal for anti-aging products.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Naturally reduces skin inflammation and irritation, suitable for eczema, psoriasis, and other sensitive skin formulations.
Enhanced Penetration
Acts as a carrier oil, improving the absorption of active ingredients in skincare products, enhancing product efficacy.
Emollient Properties
Improves skin elasticity and softness, making it a perfect addition to lotions, body butters, and hair care formulations.
Scalp and Hair Care
Moisturizes the scalp, strengthens hair, prevents dandruff, and repairs split ends without leaving greasy residue.
Natural Anti-Microbial Effect
Has intrinsic antimicrobial properties, useful in formulations for acne treatment and skin infection prevention.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly
Plant-derived, biodegradable, and eco-friendly, appealing to formulators seeking sustainable and environmentally friendly ingredients.
Vegan Certified
Making it suitable for ethically conscious brands and consumers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Cold Pressed Pure Jojoba Oil?

It is a natural oil extracted from the seeds of the jojoba plant without the use of heat or chemicals, preserving its integrity and beneficial properties.