드라이 내추럴 코튼 페이셜 마스크

드라이 내추럴 코튼 마스크 시트는 100% 순수하고 천연 코튼으로 만든 프리미엄 스킨케어 액세서리입니다. 좋아하는 세럼이나 에센스와 함께 사용하도록 설계되었으며, 활성 성분의 최적 흡수를 가능하게 하는 맞춤형 스킨케어 경험을 제공합니다. 매우 부드럽고 통기성이 좋은 코튼 원단은 얼굴에 부드럽고 편안한 착용감을 보장하여 민감한 피부를 포함한 모든 피부 유형에 적합합니다. 이 친환경 마스크 시트는 진정 및 수분 공급 트리트먼트를 제공하여 피부 질감과 광채를 향상시킵니다. 홈 스파 데이에 이상적이며, 안색을 회복하고 상쾌하게 하는 데 도움이 됩니다.

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Technical Specifications
EcoSheetTM Cotton (Dry Natural Cotton Facial Mask)
Dry Natural Cotton Facial Mask
CAS Number
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
162.14 g/mol
It is insoluble in Water and most Organic solvents. However, it can be dissolved in specific solvent systems, such as a mixture of sodium hydroxide and carbon disulfide, which converts it to a soluble form known as cellulose xanthate.
Shelf Life
24-months from the date of manufacturing.
Melting Point
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture, to prevent degradation and microbial growth.
Key Benefits
EcoSheetTM Cotton (Dry Natural Cotton Facial Mask)
Biodegradability and Sustainability
Made from natural cotton, these masks are eco-friendly and biodegradable, reducing environmental impact.
Skin Compatibility
Gentle on the skin, reducing irritation and allergic reactions due to the absence of synthetic materials.
Enhanced Absorbency
High absorbency allows for optimal delivery of skincare formulations, ensuring better penetration of active ingredients.
Cotton's breathable structure helps prevent clogging of pores, making it ideal for acne-prone skin.
Versatility for Formulations
Suitable for a wide range of cosmetic ingredients, including serums, gels, and emulsions, without altering their efficacy.
Customization Potential
Can be easily adapted to include different shapes, thicknesses, and finishes, catering to specific formulation needs.
Natural Aesthetic Appeal
Its natural appearance aligns with consumer preferences for clean, minimal, and eco-conscious beauty products.
Hypoallergenic Properties
Free from harsh chemicals and additives, reducing the risk of irritation for sensitive skin types.
Breathable Material
The porous nature of cotton allows air circulation, preventing suffocation of the skin during use.
Cost-Effective Production
Readily available and affordable material that simplifies supply chain logistics for large-scale production.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are EcoSheet™ Cotton (Dry Natural Cotton Facial Mask)?

These masks are single-use sheets made from 100% natural cotton. They are designed to be soaked in a customized liquid formula for personal care and cosmetic applications.