루마브라이트™(올리고펩타이드 68)

LumaBright™(올리고펩타이드 68)는 피부를 젊고 밝게 하도록 설계된 정교한 화장품 등급 성분입니다. 이 고급 복합체는 강력한 노화 방지 및 피부 회복 특성으로 알려진 여러 올리고펩타이드를 결합합니다. 콜라겐 생성을 자극하여 미세한 선과 주름의 출현을 줄여 더 매끄럽고 탄력 있는 안색을 만들어줍니다. 밝게 하는 효과는 피부 톤을 고르게 하고, 검은 반점과 과색소 침착을 줄이는 데 도움이 됩니다. 이 복합체는 피부 탄력과 수분을 증가시켜 통통하고 젊은 모습을 제공합니다. 세럼, 크림 및 로션에 사용하기에 적합하며, 활력이 넘치고 빛나는 모습을 보장하여 고성능 스킨케어 제형의 핵심 성분이 됩니다.

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Technical Specifications
LumaBrightTM (Oligopeptide-68 / 98%)
Typically soluble in Water. The solubility of aqueous solutions can vary depending on the specific oligopeptide sequence and other components of the complex.
Shelf Life
24-months from the date of manufacturing.
Store in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures and protect from light and moisture to maintain stability.
Key Benefits
LumaBrightTM (Oligopeptide-68 / 98%)
Skin Brightening
Helps in reducing hyperpigmentation by inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, leading to a more even skin tone.
Melanin Reduction
Effectively reduces the synthesis of melanin, making it ideal for targeting age spots, melasma, and sunspots.
Anti-inflammatory Properties
Calms and soothes the skin, reducing redness and inflammation, making it suitable for sensitive skin.
Antioxidant Support
Provides antioxidant protection, helping to neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative stress on the skin.
Non-toxic and Biodegradable
Safe for all skin types with no harmful effects, and is fully biodegradable, ensuring environmental compatibility.
Synergy with Other Ingredients
Works well in combination with other active ingredients like niacinamide, providing enhanced skincare benefits.
Improved Skin Barrier Function
Strengthens the skin’s natural barrier, improving hydration retention and preventing trans-epidermal water loss.
Reduces Skin Sensitivity
Reduces skin's reactivity to environmental factors, making it a good choice for delicate or reactive skin types.
Stable and Easy to Formulate
Its chemical stability allows for easy incorporation into various formulations without loss of efficacy.
Sustainable and Safe for Use
Derived using ethical and sustainable processes, ensuring safety and quality for cosmetic formulations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is LumaBright™ (Oligopeptide-68 / 98%) and its primary function in cosmetic formulations?

It is a synthetic peptide used in cosmetics to inhibit melanin production, primarily for skin-brightening and anti-pigmentation effects.