레스베넥솔™(레스베라트롤 98%)

Resvenexol™(Resveratrol 98%)은 레스베라트롤의 등록 상표로, 환경적 손상과 산화 스트레스로부터 피부를 보호하여 노화를 막기 위해 개인 관리 제품에 사용되는 강력한 항산화제입니다. 이 성분은 피부의 회복력을 효과적으로 향상시켜 자유 라디칼을 중화하고 건강한 콜라겐 생성을 지원하여 더 탄력 있고 젊은 모습을 촉진합니다. 또한 피부 밝기를 개선하고 미세선과 주름의 출현을 줄입니다. 노화 방지 세럼과 크림에 포함하기에 이상적이며, 생기 있고 건강한 피부를 유지하기 위해 보호 및 회복 효과를 모두 제공합니다.

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Technical Specifications
ResvenexolTM (Resveratrol 98%)
CAS Number
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
228.24 g/mol
Insoluble In water.
Shelf Life
24-months from the date of manufacturing.
Boiling Point
Melting Point
Store at -20°C and protect from light to ensure stability and prevent degradation.
Key Benefits
ResvenexolTM (Resveratrol 98%)
Antioxidant Properties
Resveratrol helps neutralize free radicals, protecting skin from oxidative stress and environmental damage, which slows down the visible signs of aging.
It reduces inflammation by inhibiting inflammatory pathways, soothing irritated or sensitive skin, and improving overall skin comfort.
Anti-Aging Benefits
Resveratrol stimulates collagen production, enhancing skin elasticity and reducing fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in more youthful-looking skin.
Brightening Effect
With its ability to inhibit tyrosinase, Resveratrol can reduce hyperpigmentation and dark spots, leading to a brighter and more even skin tone.
UV Protection
It provides natural protection against UV-induced damage by strengthening the skin’s defense mechanisms, often used as a complement to sunscreen formulations.
Wound Healing Support
Resveratrol promotes faster skin regeneration and healing by enhancing cellular repair processes, which is valuable in post-treatment or recovery products.
Skin Firmness
By promoting collagen and elastin synthesis, Resveratrol contributes to improved skin structure and firmness, making it ideal for anti-aging and firming formulations.
Resveratrol has antimicrobial properties that help protect the skin from bacterial and fungal infections, reducing the risk of breakouts and other skin irritations.
Moisturizing Properties
It enhances moisture retention in the skin by supporting the skin barrier function, leading to better hydration and smoother texture in cosmetic products.
Resveratrol is compatible with various other active ingredients and can be easily incorporated into different formulations, providing versatile use across product lines.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Resvenexol™ (Resveratrol 98%), and how does it benefit cosmetic formulations?

It is a polyphenolic compound known for its antioxidant properties. In cosmetic formulations, it helps protect the skin against environmental stressors, reducing signs of aging and promoting overall skin health.