ClaySoft™ (벤토나이트 클레이)

화산재에서 추출한 ClaySoft™(벤토나이트 점토)는 해독 특성과 건강 보조 식품에 사용 시 광범위한 건강상의 이점으로 알려진 천연 물질입니다. 칼슘, 마그네슘, 칼륨과 같은 미네랄이 풍부하여 위장관에서 독소와 불순물을 흡수하여 소화 건강을 지원합니다. 또한 국소적으로 적용하여 자극을 진정시키고 피부 모양을 개선할 수 있으므로 건강한 피부를 촉진하는 데 사용됩니다. 건강 보조 식품 제형에서는 종종 해독 프로그램을 지원하고 전반적인 웰빙을 촉진하는 데 사용됩니다. 부풀어 오르고 물을 흡수하는 능력으로 효과적인 위장 보조제로 소화 불량과 팽창 증상을 완화하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 건강 보조 식품에 사용하면 영양소 흡수가 개선되고 면역 기능이 향상됩니다.

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Technical Specifications
ClaySoftTM (Bentonite Clay)
Bentonite Clay
CAS Number
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
360.31 g/mol
Insoluble in water.
Shelf Life
24 months from the date of manufacturing.
Boiling Point
Melting Point
Store in a cool, dry place. It is hygroscopic and will absorb moisture from the air, which can affect its properties and cause clumping or hardening.
Key Benefits
ClaySoftTM (Bentonite Clay)
Bentonite clay absorbs and removes toxins, heavy metals, and impurities from the body, supporting overall detoxification.
Digestive Health
Helps alleviate digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and constipation by promoting a healthy gut environment.
Skin Health
Used in skincare, it helps cleanse and purify the skin, reducing acne, blemishes, and other skin conditions.
Provides essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, supporting overall health and wellness.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Reduces inflammation and soothes irritated skin and tissues, aiding in the management of inflammatory conditions.
Oral Health
Promotes oral hygiene by neutralizing harmful bacteria and reducing bad breath.
Immune System Support
Enhances immune function by detoxifying the body and promoting a balanced internal environment.
Natural Antibacterial
Possesses natural antibacterial properties that help fight infections and promote healing.
pH Balancing
Helps balance the body's pH levels, promoting an alkaline environment that supports overall health.
Weight Management
Aids in weight management by improving digestion and detoxifying the body.
Improved Nutrient Absorption
Enhances the body's ability to absorb and utilize nutrients more efficiently.
Hair Health
Used in hair care, it helps cleanse the scalp, remove impurities, and promote healthy hair growth.
Completely natural and non-toxic, making it safe for internal and external use.
Versatile Application
Can be used in a variety of applications, including detox baths, face masks, and oral care products.
Wound Healing
Promotes faster healing of wounds, cuts, and burns by drawing out impurities and reducing inflammation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is ClaySoft™ (Bentonite Clay), and how is it used in nutraceuticals?

ClaySoft™ (Bentonite Clay) is a natural clay composed mainly of montmorillonite. It is used in nutraceuticals for its detoxifying properties, aiding in digestive health, and supporting overall wellness by binding and removing toxins from the body.