HyaPure™ L (히알루론산 98% / 10~50kDa)

HyaPure™ L(히알루론산 98%/10~50kDa)은 인체에서 자연적으로 발생하는 물질로, 뛰어난 수분 유지 능력으로 유명하여 건강보조식품에서 인기 있는 성분입니다. 98%의 고농도로 이 제형은 강력한 수분 공급과 피부 탄력 효과를 제공합니다. 관절을 윤활하고 마찰을 줄여 관절 건강을 지원하는 역할로 유명합니다. 건강보조식품에서는 피부 건강을 증진하고 탄력을 개선하며 미세선과 주름의 출현을 줄이는 잠재력으로 높이 평가받고 있습니다. 이 98% HA 용액은 일반적으로 경구 보충제와 건강보조식품에 사용되어 전반적인 피부 수분 공급과 관절 기능을 지원합니다. 무게의 최대 1000배의 물을 유지할 수 있어 강력한 보습제로 피부의 자연적인 수분 장벽을 강화합니다. 건강보조식품에 통합하면 콜라겐 생성을 자극하는 능력으로 인해 상처 치유와 조직 복구를 촉진하는 데 도움이 될 수도 있습니다.

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Technical Specifications
HyaPureTM L (Hyaluronic Acid 95% / 10 to 50 kDa)
Hyaluronic Acid (Low Molecular Weight)
CAS Number
Molecular Formula
(C14H21N O11)n
Molecular Weight
Soluble in water.
Shelf Life
24-months from the date of manufacturing.
Boiling Point
Melting Point
Store in a cool, dry place, protected from light.
Certified Vegan
Key Benefits
HyaPureTM L (Hyaluronic Acid 98% / 10 to 50 kDa)
Superior Hydration
Hyaluronic acid provides excellent hydration, helping to maintain moisture levels in the body, skin, and joints.
Enhanced Skin Health
Promotes smoother, more supple skin by improving moisture retention and elasticity.
Joint Lubrication
Acts as a lubricant for joints, reducing friction and pain, and supporting joint health and mobility.
Anti-Aging Properties
Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by keeping the skin hydrated and plump.
Wound Healing
Speeds up the healing of wounds and reduces scarring by promoting cell regeneration and tissue repair.
Safe and Natural
Non-toxic and naturally occurring, making it safe for consumption and topical application.
Improved Bioavailability
Low molecular weight (10 to 50 kDa) enhances absorption and bioavailability in the body.
Supports Overall Health
Contributes to overall well-being by maintaining hydration and supporting various bodily functions.
Gut Health
Helps maintain the mucosal lining of the gut, promoting digestive health.
Versatile Use
Can be incorporated into a wide range of nutraceutical formulations, including supplements, creams, and serums.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Reduces inflammation in tissues, aiding in the management of inflammatory conditions.
Promotes Collagen Production
Stimulates collagen synthesis, enhancing skin structure and resilience.
Enhanced Nutrient Delivery
Improves the delivery and efficacy of other active ingredients in nutraceutical formulations.
Supports Healthy Aging
Helps maintain youthful appearance and vitality by providing essential hydration and nutrients.
Easy to Formulate
Simple to incorporate into various product formulations, enhancing their effectiveness and consumer appeal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is HyaPure™ L (Hyaluronic Acid 95% / 10 - 50 kDa), and how is it used in Nutraceuticals?

It is a high-purity, low-molecular-weight biopolymer known for its moisturizing and anti-aging properties. Nutraceuticals use it in supplements and formulations aimed at improving skin health, joint function, and overall hydration.