
HydraBond™(알란토인 98%)에는 뛰어난 진정, 치유 및 보습 효과로 유명한 프리미엄 스킨케어 성분인 알란토인이 98% 함유되어 있습니다. 이 고순도 화합물은 세포 재생을 촉진하여 흉터와 피부 자극을 효과적으로 줄이는 동시에 피부의 부드러움과 탄력을 크게 향상시킵니다. 뛰어난 보습 효과로 민감하거나 손상된 피부를 겨냥한 제형에 적합합니다. 크림, 로션 및 치유 연고에 사용하기에 이상적이며 피부가 수분을 유지하고 건강하며 탄력을 유지합니다.

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Technical Specifications
HydraBondTM (Allantoin)
CAS Number
"Molecular Formula
C4H6N4O3 C4H6N4O3"
Molecular Weight
158.12 g/mol
Soluble in water.
Shelf Life
24-months from the date of manufacturing.
Boiling Point
Melting Point
230 °C
Store in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances.
Certified Vegan
Key Benefits
HydraBondTM (Allantoin)
Skin Soothing
Allantoin has a natural ability to calm and reduce irritation, making it ideal for sensitive skin formulations.
Moisture Retention
It enhances the skin’s water-binding capacity, supporting long-lasting hydration in moisturizing products.
Exfoliation Aid
By promoting desquamation, Allantoin assists in gentle exfoliation, leaving the skin smooth and renewed.
Skin Repair
Known for its regenerative properties, it helps repair damaged skin, making it a common inclusion in healing formulations.
It reduces redness and inflammation, particularly in acne or irritation-prone skin, offering relief in soothing products.
Cell Proliferation
Encourages new cell growth, supporting skin rejuvenation, making it ideal for anti-aging products.
Improved Skin Texture
Regular use leads to smoother, softer skin by supporting the natural regeneration of skin tissues.
Non-toxic and non-irritating, making it versatile for various skin types and formulations.
Vegan-Certified Ingredient
Derived from plant-based sources, making it suitable for vegan-certified cosmetic formulations.
Protection Against Irritants
It forms a protective layer, helping to shield skin from environmental stressors and irritants.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is HydraBond™ (Allantoin) and why is it used in cosmetic formulations?

It is a white crystalline powder commonly used in cosmetics and personal care products for its moisturizing, soothing, and skin-protecting properties. It helps to promote cell regeneration, making it beneficial for skin repair formulations.