ClaySoft™ (벤토나이트 클레이)

ClaySoft™(벤토나이트 클레이)는 강력한 해독 특성으로 개인 관리 및 화장품 산업에서 유명합니다. 이 천연 클레이는 피부에서 불순물, 독소 및 오일을 끌어내는 데 매우 효과적이어서 얼굴 마스크와 클렌저에 인기 있는 선택입니다. 과도한 피지를 흡수하는 능력으로 특히 지성 및 여드름이 생기기 쉬운 피부에 유익하여 여드름을 예방하고 잡티를 제거하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 또한 부드러운 각질 제거를 제공하여 죽은 피부 세포를 제거하여 더 매끄럽고 빛나는 안색을 촉진합니다. 벤토나이트 클레이의 미네랄이 풍부한 함량은 피부에 영양을 공급하고 전반적인 건강과 활력을 향상시키는 데 도움이 됩니다. 또한 진정 효과가 있어 피부 자극을 진정시키고 발적을 줄이는 데 도움이 되므로 민감한 피부 유형에도 적합합니다.

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Technical Specifications
ClaySoftTM (Bentonite Clay)
Bentonite Clay
CAS Number
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
360.31 g/mol
Insoluble in water.
Shelf Life
24-months from the date of manufacturing.
Boiling Point
Melting Point
Store in a cool, dry place. It is hygroscopic and will absorb moisture from the air, which can affect its properties and cause clumping or hardening.
Key Benefits
ClaySoftTM (Bentonite Clay)
Detoxification Properties
Bentonite Clay effectively binds and absorbs toxins, impurities, and heavy metals from the skin, promoting a purified complexion.
Oil Absorption
Excellent for absorbing excess oil from the skin, making it suitable for formulations targeting oily or acne-prone skin types.
Skin Soothing
Provides soothing properties, making it ideal for calming irritation, redness, and inflammation in sensitive or compromised skin.
Natural Thickening Agent
Bentonite Clay serves as a natural thickening agent in formulations, improving texture and stability without the need for synthetic additives.
Mineral-Rich Composition
Contains essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and silica, which can support skin health and contribute to a rejuvenated appearance.
Exfoliating Action
Acts as a gentle physical exfoliant, helping to remove dead skin cells, leaving the skin smoother and more radiant.
pH Balancing
Helps regulate the skin's pH balance, making it beneficial for maintaining the skin's natural barrier function.
Anti-Bacterial Properties
Exhibits mild antimicrobial properties, supporting its use in formulations aimed at reducing acne and preventing bacterial growth on the skin.
Water Retention Capability
Improves moisture retention in formulations, contributing to enhanced skin hydration when combined with other moisturizing ingredients.
Derived from natural sources, Bentonite Clay is eco-friendly and biodegradable, aligning with the growing demand for sustainable cosmetic ingredients.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is ClaySoft™ (Bentonite Clay) and its primary function in cosmetics?

It is a natural clay derived from volcanic ash. It functions primarily as an absorbent, thickening, and clarifying agent in personal care formulations.